Sunday, August 2, 2009

A Little Info on COLOR

Color is the single most important factor in creating the mood of a room. It is the element that everyone understands and has been proven to be a psychological stimulus. Color can unify furnishings that otherwise seem unrelated. Color can minimize architectural faults such as cracked walls or poorly placed windows. It can also make a small room seem larger or large rooms seem smaller. Research suggests that colors have "temperature"; they are either warm or cool. Warm colors, on one side of the color wheel are yellow, yellow-orange, orange, red-orange and red. They are cheerful and powerful. Warm colors can be used in rooms with Northern exposure. They can also be used to put life into activity rooms. Children love warm colors best. Adults who like these colors tend to be outgoing and active. The Cool Colors, on the other side of the color wheel, are purple, violet, blue, blue-green and green. More soothing and restful than warm colors, they can be used in rooms with Southern and Eastern exposure to create a calm ambiance. People who prefer cool colors are usually reserved and introspective. In the bloggs to follow I will be giving more information on COLOR.

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